Feel free to use tints of these lovely hues as well.
- Green RGB(29,176,109)
- Light Green RGB(29, 176, 109, .28)
- Yellow RGB(253, 212, 50,1)
- Red RGB(238, 6, 10)
- Blue RGB(66, 135, 245)
In the far away land of Yonder, past the forest of the Flomflom trees, there's a dusty old town called Cooksville.
Cabin Sketch
Folks there are called 'Cookies'. Some are good, some are bad, and some are just Rinky Dinky rotten.
The sharpest little Cookie of them all is Georgie Green, and she's the town's Sheriff!
Heading Style
Font Family: Poppins
Colour: Black
Font Size: 42px
Font Weight: 700
Text Alignment: left
Sub heading Style
Font Family: Cabin Sketch
Colour: Red RGB(238, 6, 10)
Font Size: 36px
Font Weight: 400
Text Alignment: left
Paragraph Style
Font Family: Cabin
Colour: Black
Font Size: 18px
Font weight: 300
Line Height: Normal
Text Alignment: Justified
Divider Rule
Colour: Green RGB(29,176,109)
Border Width: 2px
Couldn't think of any funny, punchy text for here, I'll revisit it further through the course.
Max Width: 100%
Width: 200px
Clear: Left
Float: Left
Margin-right: 10px
Border Colour: Green RGB(29,176,109)
Border Width: 2px
Border Style: Solid
Colour: Green RGB(29,176,109)
Colour Hover: Yellow #fdd432
Width: 200px
Border Radius: 50px
Clear: Left
Float: Left
Margins: Auto
Border Colour: Green RGB(29,176,109)
Font Family: Cabin Sketch
Font Weight: 300
Text Alignment: Centred
Text Colour: White
Font Size: 18px